We're joined by Sumana Harihareswara, a FOSS advocate yes, but also a person of so many other talents! We talk about sketching, standup comedy, and maintainership for the long life of free software projects. (Did you know you can hire Sumana to help on your FOSS project maintainership btw? Sumana runs Changeset Consulting!) We also talk about representation in the FOSS community within the arts (especially narrative arts), and about learning new skills within "no big deal" contexts.
Sumana's LibrePlanet 2017 keynote: Lessons, myths, and lenses: What I wish I'd known in 1998
Vidding and some of its origins in the slideshow form (in particular with Kandy Fong's early works)
More on fanworks and fan communities and their history at fanlore.org
Vid: Pipeline by, as it turns out, Sumana Harihareswara!
Vid: Only a Lad by Laura Shapiro
Vid: Straightening Up the House by eruthros; also see all this other great commentary!
The Bug by Ellen Ullman
The Internet's Own Boy, a film and play about Aaron Swartz, which you can watch here in movie form CORRECTION: Actually Sumana pointed us in the correct direction... the play was Building a Real Boy, a separate thing from the forementioned film!
Steven Levy's Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, and also the critical response Programming is Forgetting: Toward a New Hacker Ethic by Allison Parrish
Software Freedom Conservancy, who is doing a fundraiser right now!
If you're interested in Sumana's upcoming book on long-term maintenance of FOSS projects, you can contact her for more info! UPDATE: Sampler released!